Employee Led Safety Program
Arcosa Specialty Materials is 100% committed to creating real change in our safety culture.

Arcosa Specialty Materials met recently to continue its safety journey. Employees from across the company came together in Norman, OK to review its most recent safety initiative and to plan for the future.
These are all part of the ARC 100 program. ARC is short for “Advocating Real Change”. The 100% in the loco stands for 100% committed to safety. These programs are developed by front line employees and deployed company wide.
Previous programs launched recently include Arcosa Safety Briefings, a regular safety meeting where safety issues are raised and discussed. A second, Pre-Op inspections, provides a formal checklist to check equipment prior to operating it. The most recent is Observe-Share-Report, a proactive program designed to catch accidents before they occur.
Together they are the foundation for the safety journey that continues in Arcosa Specialty Materials. However, it’s more than creating safety programs. It’s changing a company’s culture to embrace a “safety first” mentality each and every day on the job. Stay tuned for more safety updates!